

Heckmann, C., Scherer, S., Weiher, G., Kirkdal, M., & Hahn, L. (01.02.2020 – 31-03.2020). Digitale Interventionen zur Stressbewältigung. – Konzeption einer präventiven Maßnahme für Lehrkräfte. Gefördert durch den „DigLL-e-learning-Fonds“ der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt als Teilprojekt des Verbundprojektes „Digital gestütztes Lehren und Lernen in Hessen“ des Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst. Fördersumme: 3.000€

Publikationen in Zeitschriften, Tagungsbänden und Büchern

Weiher, G. M., Varol, Y. Z., & Horz, H. (2023). When work bothers your mind: A diary study on the relationship of German teachers’ work-related rumination with fatigue. Frontiers in Education8.

Varol, Y. Z., Weiher, G. M., Wendsche, J., & Lohmann-Haislah, A. (2023). Schwierigkeiten beim psychologischen Detachment von der Arbeit bei Lehrkräften: Prävalenz, Risikofaktoren und gesundheitliche Folgen in einer national repräsentativen Querschnittserhebung. In Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (Hrsg.), Arbeit und Gesundheit von Erwerbstätigen in Deutschland: Auswertungen mit der BIBB/BAuA-Erwerbstätigenbefragung im Fokus (1. Aufl., S. 28–34).

Weiher, G. M. (2023). Arbeitsbezogene Rumination bei Lehrkräften: Erforschung von Prädiktoren und Zusammenhängen eines potentiellen Einflussfaktors der Lehrkräftegesundheit (Dissertation, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt).

Varol, Y. Z., Weiher, G. M., Wenzel, S. F. C., & Horz, H. (2023). Practicum in teacher education: The role of psychological detachment and supervisors’ feedback and reflection in student teachers’ well-being. European Journal of Teacher Education.

Weigelt, O., Seidel, J. C., Erber, L., Wendsche, J., Varol, Y. Z., Weiher, G. M., Gierer, P., Sciannimanica, C., Janzen, R., & Syrek, C. J. (2023). Too committed to switch off – Capturing and organizing the full range of work-related rumination from detachment to overcommitment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 3573.

Weiher, G. M., Varol, Y. Z., & Horz, H. (2022). Being Tired or Having Much Left Undone: The Relationship Between Fatigue and Unfinished Tasks With Affective Rumination and Vitality in Beginning Teachers. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 935775.

Varol, Y. Z., Weiher, G. M., Wendsche, J., & Lohmann-Haislah, A. (2021). Difficulties detaching psychologically from work among German teachers: prevalence, risk factors and health outcomes within a cross-sectional and national representative employee survey. BMC Public Health, 21(1). [shared first authorship]

Varol, Y. Z., Weiher, G. M., Fabriz, S., Stehle, S.,  Krille, C. & Horz, H. (2021). Lehrkräftegesundheit und digitale Kompetenz (nicht nur) während Corona. SchulVerwaltung, 7-8, 200-205.

Türktorun, Y. Z., Weiher, G. M., & Horz, H. (2020). Psychological detachment and work-related rumination in teachers: A systematic review. Educational Research Review, 100354.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen

Weiher, G. M., Varol, Y. Z., & Horz, H. (2023, September 18-20). Lehrkräftegesundheit und Erholung: Neue Erkenntnisse zur Definition, Erforschung und Stärkung der Distanzierungsfähigkeit von Lehrkräften [Position paper]. 19th Conference of the Expert Group on Educational Psychology (PAEPS), Kiel, Germany.

Varol, Y. Z., Weiher, G., & Horz, H. (2023, April 13-16). Positive work reflection as an indicator of long-term well-being? A cross-lagged panel analysis among teachers [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting Chicago, IL, USA.

Weiher, G. M., Varol, Y. Z., & Horz, H. (2023, April 13-16). Testing the recovery paradox: A cross-lagged panel analysis of recovery indicators in teachers [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA.

Varol, Y. Z., Weiher, G. M., Wendsche, J. & Lohmann-Haislah, A. (2022, November). Difficulties detaching psychologically from work among German teachers: Prevalence, risk factors and health outcomes within a cross-sectional and national representative employee survey [Symposium]. Paper presented at the Science Conference of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Dortmund, Germany.

Varol, Y. Z. & Weiher, G. M. (2022, September). Arbeitsreflexion als Indikator für langfristiges arbeitsbezogenes Wohlbefinden? Eine Cross-Lagged-Panel Analyse bei Lehrkräften. Paper presented at the 52nd DGPs Conference, Hildesheim, Germany.

Weiher, G. M. & Varol, Y. Z. (2022, September). Testung des Erholungsparadox‘: Eine Cross-Lagged-Panel Analyse von Erholungsindikatoren bei Lehrkräften. Paper presented at the 52nd DGPs Conference, Hildesheim, Germany.

Weiher, G. M. & Varol, Y. Z. (2022, Jan 11–14). Being tired or having much left undone: What predicts daily work-related affective rumination in beginning teachers? [Poster presentation]. 20th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Glasgow, Scotland. (Conference canceled)

Wendsche, J. Varol, Y. Z., Weiher, G. M. &  Lohmann-Haislah, A. (2022, Jan 11–14). Difficulties detaching psychologically from work among German teachers: Prevalence, risk factors and health outcomes within a cross-sectional and national representative survey [Oral presentation]. 20th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Glasgow, Scotland. (Conference canceled)

Weiher, G. M., Türktorun, Y. Z. & Horz, H. (2021, April 9–12). Teachers’ sleep and work-related rumination and their effect on fatigue in times of COVID-19 [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting Virtually.

Weiher, G. & Scherer, S. (2020, Apr 6 - 8). Is your mind too full? Exploring the potential of digital micro interventions to foster mindfulness and occupational health [Paper]. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. (conference cancelled)

Tuerktorun, Y. Z., Weiher, G. & Horz, H. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) The Role of Psychological Detachment and Supervisors' Feedback and Reflection in Teacher Education [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA Canceled)

Türktorun, Y. Z. & Weiher, G. (2019, May). The Role of Psychological Detachment During Non-Work Time. A Systematic Review. Poster presented at the 19th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, Italy.

Weiher, G., Scherer, S., Beitler, L., Trumpold, K., & Horz, H. (2017, May). The Influence Of Mindfulness And Resilience On Situational Exhaustion. Is There A Benefit For Customer Service Employees To Be Mindful? Paper presented at the 18th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland.

Scherer, S., Weiher, G., Türktorun, Y. Z., Beitler, L., & Trumpold, K. (2017, May). The Role of State and Trait Mindfulness in Emotional Labour. Considering Different Emotion Regulation Strategies. Poster presented at the 18th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland.

Scherer, S., Türktorun, Y. Z., Weiher, G., Beitler, L., & Trumpold, K. (2017, May). The Influence of Resilience on Situational Challenges Handling Customer Stressors and Emotional Demands. Poster presented at the 18th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland.

Türktorun, Y. Z., Weiher, G., Ullrich, M., Knuth-Herzig, K., & Horz, H. (2016, December). Do prior beliefs and prior knowledge affect how we read? Reading texts on controversially discussed topics - An eye tracking study. Paper presented at EARLI Conference Special Interest Group 27 for Online Measures of Learning Processes, Oulu, Finland. [geteilte Erstautorenschaft Türktorun/Weiher]

Weiher, G., Scherer, S., Beitler, L., Trumpold, K., & Horz, H. (2016, September). Der Einfluss von Achtsamkeit und Resilienz auf situative Erschöpfung. Ein Vorteil für Dienstleister achtsam zu sein? Paper presented at the 50th DGPs Conference, Leipzig, Germany.

Türktorun, Y. Z., & Weiher, G., (2015, January). Einfluss von Vorwissen und Überzeugungen auf das Leseverhalten. Eine Eye-Tracking Studie. Poster presented at Goethe-Universität Methodenwoche - Methodenausbildung in den Sozialwissenschaften, Frankfurt, Germany. [geteilte Erstautorenschaft Türktorun/Weiher]